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Bovey Climate Action Summer News

Sun 4 Jul 2010

Bovey Climate Action is made up of around 300 local people, who are so concerned about climate change that they are changing the way they live now! We don't want to use up all the energy and resources that should be there for our grandchildren and future generations. If you'd like to join us, email me at We've got lots of plans for the coming year, including another Green Street Fair in the centre of town!

10:10 is a national organisation that helps people make changes - it aims to get everyone to reduce their emissions by 10% by the end of 2010. Thousands of ordinary people have 'signed up' to do this - as well as oodles of celebrities, the entire current government and the last government.

Here are some ideas that you could try, based on the 10:10 website - for more go to

1. Eat better: eat fresh, local, seasonal fruit and vegetables whenever you can. Avoid chilled or frozen goods, which use extra energy for storage and transport. Take up gardening - join our Community Garden (contact or our Garden Share (email

2. Dump less: avoid over-packaged goods and pointless purchases. If you can't reduce - reuse or recycle; Teignbridge will help you at . Compost vegetable scraps, mowings and thin card together for really good compost!

3. Buy good stuff: buy stuff that will last and can be repaired. Or buy second hand (charities benefit from this too), or borrow from a friend or neighbor!

4. Fly less, holiday more: swap the plane for a ferry or train and, if you can, take fewer, but longer trips. It will be less stressful too, if the volcano is erupting...

5. Save 10% on heating: turn down your thermostat and turn off radiators in halls and unused rooms. Check your loft and wall insulation. Wear a cosy, woollen jumper and breathe healthier, cooler air!

6. Save 10% on electricity: turn appliances off after use, use time-switches and off-peak electricity; buy energy-efficient appliances when you need to. (To join our Big Switch and use renewable electricity or our Community Woodland group and harvest your own wood - contact By the way, have you tried the solar showers yet, that our Energy Group installed at Bovey Swimming Pool?

7. Drive less: Lift share whenever you can, leave your car at home at least one day a week, use the local buses, ride a bike, and join Bovey Tracey's own car-club - Moorcar (
8. Don't waste food: the average UK family throws away £600 worth a year! Don't buy or cook more than you need and eat up those tasty scraps!

9. Don't waste water: collecting, purifying and piping water uses lots of resources; heating it is even more expensive. Put a 'hippo' in your cistern, shower instead of bathing, cut down on laundry.

10. Feel happier! If you do all these things, you'll have saved money, got fitter, had fun - and you'll be part of the global effort to save our beautiful world from catastrophic climate change. Using your ingenuity to reduce your emissions is enormously satisfying!

If you want to get in touch, but don't have email, ring me on 01626 852 775. Audrey Compton Chair of Bovey Climate Action

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