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Liverton Pre-school to branch out into Forest Schools

Thu 3 Dec 2009

Liverton Pre-school is expanding the range of services it can offer pre-school children by running a Forest School in the woods.

The setting already runs five pre-school sessions a week and a toddler group, at Liverton Village Hall. However, due to other commitments in the hall the Pre-school is unable to expand any further. Thus the idea of branching out into the great outdoors took root.

The staff and committee agreed that running a Forest school would provide an exciting addition to their traditional early year's sessions.

The Forest School will be able to take ten children aged between three and five years into the woods for two hours, twice a week. The children do not take any toys with them, but instead use only what the forest provides - along with their imagination - to learn about the natural environment, and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others.

Alison Starkey, the Chair of Liverton Pre-school said: "We wanted to offer the children in the pre-school something different and we were delighted when one of the residents in Liverton offered up part of their wood to allow us to run the Forest School. We are so grateful to Mary Cross for allowing the pre-school to use the woods near the Village Hall. The Forest School will be run by an experienced Forest School teacher, so that our children can get the maximum benefit from their new experience right from the start."

Jill Dore the pre-school leader said: "We already have many parents booking their children into this new aspect of our services, but we still have a few places left. Any parent who would like their child to experience the Forest School should contact the Pre-school as soon as possible in order to secure a place for the January start"

The Pre-school can be contacted on:

Telephone - 07792 375914:

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