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Margaret Dyer's head shave raises over £2000 for Rowcroft

Sat 5 Jul 2014

Hi folks

Well the day of the head shave is over with, and to say I was a little jittery is putting it mildly. Joe who was having the painful experience of having his legs waxed (he is very hairy) was also very quiet as the day approached.

We had a really great evening thank you so much to all the people who came along to support us and to all of you who have made donation Joe was very brave and a lot of different people who shall we say we're not very practical in the art of waxing had a go, but with the expert guidance of Julie from the therapy suite his skin stayed attached he only lost hair.

Some people you know who you are (Ryan & Rosie) went for the most sensitive areas, if he screamed I didn't hear him. But Joe was amazing and took it all in good part. I never got a chance to do any waxing as I was having my head shaved at the time.

Sue started the process by taking some of my precious fringe off. No need to worry about my Calflick anymore or as you seem to call it Devon, Cowslick. Now there a Conundrum does that mean you have bigger ones in Devon Ha Ha. We had Dan a barber from Barnstable come over to put the Rowcroft motive on the back of my head. Also my initials MAD. Or if reading from the front DAM which we thought would be amusing because of this he had to leave a stubble on my head.

I feel naked and exposed, especially without my fringe, but I do have luxury of knowing it will grow again. I'm sat writing this with my wig on supplied by the lovely Sarah Jones. Dave much prefers my wig with out it I have a look of Annie Lennox. One lady said "if I didn’t know you and I needed directions, I wouldn't approach you!” ha ha!

So perhaps I look a little ‘hard’ without much hair. We had asked Sally & Steve at the cafe formally known as Country Cusine (now NO 64) to cater for us, but they have worked day & night to get ready to open (It looks wonderful) so couldn't manage to fit us in. So a big thank you to Julie for doing such wonderful canapés for us they were yummy.

A big last thank you to all the team at New Image for making the event happen you all worked so hard. At the time going to press we have reached a staggering 2,200 pounds for Rowcroft Hospice. Thank you all very much.


From us here at The Cottage, well done to Margaret and everyone involved in raising £2200 for Rowcroft Hospice!

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