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Campaign Against Political Correctness: The Response

Mon 3 May 2010

Thank you for the responses received from everybody regarding my Article in the March/April edition. Please feel free to write into the address on the front or contact me on Comments will be Published, Toby Landers. 

Below is a response from Mr. Godfrey Penny...

The incidents you mention in your article are just the ‘tip of the iceberg' in this ever growing politically correct and also increasingly worrying ‘State controlled country' we are living in. You mention the fact that children are not allowed to say YUK after trying foreign food in case it offends. Little children are being branded racist and homophobic because of childish prank of name calling (apparently their names are taken and put on an offenders register) how horrifying. Some do-gooders want to ban school skirts in case they offend transsexuals! Are they trying to turn our country into a one gendered race of people unable to think or express an opinion in case it offends? There used to be a motto ‘I don't agree with what you are saying, but I will defend with my life your right to say it'.

Regarding the incident in London, when a police officer was suspended for using a baton on a protester, I agree that the police should be respected. I am all for supporting them as they endeavour to keep law and order. Unfortunately certain events have alienated the public towards the police, whilst frequently; the impression given to the public is that they are on the side of the criminal instead of the victims.

People feel it is very unfair when the police protect Islamic protestors as they rant and rave against our brave soldiers. In addition they lay into other more peaceful protesters by actually drawing blood with their batons, for example on the peaceful countryside folk who protest against the ban on fox hunting.

Most fair minded people become incensed when they see that they can no longer defend themselves against yobs, in fear of being arrested. This has happened countless times, innocent people being dragged to court for simply fighting back when robbed and then imprisoned.

In the meantime we learn that Surrey police admitted to spending £120 on refreshments for men who have been cruising at a well known ‘dogging' spot for casual sex. The police said they wanted these people to feel free to report hate crime against them. There was a time when this sort of behaviour in a public place, was grounds for prosecution for gross indecency. Importantly what about the vandalism and hate crimes against old people outside their own homes, where are the police then? Busy guarding the above mentioned, one supposes.

We British are known for our tolerance, but not for much longer I fear.


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