Riverside Landscapes Dartmoor Garden Services

The Voice from the Lectern

Mon 7 Dec 2009

And it came to pass that a great famine did come upon the land and a great sadness did descend upon the people, and there was much gnashing of teeth and rending of investments. They cried and asked, how can it be, after 10 years of bounteous harvests and much flowing of milk and honey, that we posses neither food for our children nor garments to cover our nakedness.

And so they went unto the great temple and there they did weep and hold out their hands to that multitude of money-lenders who were gathered therein. And they did say unto them, behold, we are in much distress, help us, we pray for thee.

But they money lenders did hide their faces and turn away. And the people grew angry. Why passeth thou on the other side? Yea, verily, the money lenders did reply, it is true that we rejoiced to provide thee with all the milk and honey for which thou did ask when we knew not what to do with all the shekels we did have then. But now the shekels are gone, we know not were, and we can do no more for thee.

Hearing this, the people in a loud voice did say unto money lenders, verily, go forth and begat thyselves. And then the people went unto that place wherein dwelleth Gordonus Brunus, governor of all the land. Mighty ruler, have pity upon us we beseech thee.

Here, in the Hall that is white, there are many men who know the way of the shekel and who will do thy bidding. Tell them, we beg of thee, to do that which now must be done. And Gordonus Brunus said, yea, I am indeed they saviour, and it is truly I who shall save the world.

But first, hear this. The great plague of shekel servitude did not find its beginning here in our land but in another land, far beyond the horizon of the setting sun and known to all men as Americanum. For my part, I wash my hands. And the people did cry out: Right yea, OK, whatever, just get it sorted will ya? Here endeth the lesson.

by Roger Perkins

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