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What to do with old PC equipment?

Sat 5 Jul 2014

How to dispose of your old computers, laptop, mobile phones and tablets is a major concern these days. There are always stories in the news about people who have had their identity stolen, or there data stolen, and about how people leave theirs laptops on the train etc... etc...

Most of the time this happens when people are either careless or just don’t know the potential risk when it comes to the proper and secure way of data destruction – I hear all too often that people are going to take their computers to the dump for recycling – DON’T. This is much like putting your PIN number reminder in the waste bin in the kitchen. Most of the time nothing will happen and your data will be safe – but do you really want to take the risk?

The good news is that at JMV Computers we offer to securely wipe your Harddrive to make sure that none of your data can be retrieved – much like cross shredding that pin number? We also pay for second-hand computers, laptop, computer parts and will except them as trade in against a new one. For more information head on over to

James Vincent – JMV Computers 01626 821160

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